Paradoxically, but one misfortune led to happiness and prosperity. We tell a story. Since 1871, the Lucky Strike brand has been known for its dominant position in the tobacco market. and the story originates from the sale of a burned-out bankrupt factory to a certain company R.A. Patterson. The workers repeatedly went on strike. And after this significant event, the triumphant formation of these cigarettes began. This is where the sonorous name comes from.
The developers of Lucky Strike cigarettes went further than their colleagues in the creation of cigarettes and began to carry out the roasting process. Toasterization led to the fact that the caramelization reaction rapidly developed in the leaves. As a result and consequence – the tobacco became more fragrant, but of a chocolate shade with a pronounced coffee taste.
Lucky Strike marched forward decade after decade, leaving behind many of their rivals, and capturing a huge part of this niche. The female part of the population also received a huge gift in the form of different interesting flavor versions of this brand.
You can purchase this product through the online store. This resource will help you choose the flavor and aroma of interest, taking into account your smoking preferences. The price is optimal and pleasant, delivery occurs on time.
What are Lucky Strike cigarettes?
This brand of cigarettes has been in great demand for a long time, namely since the end of the nineteenth century. It won the worldwide love of a wide smoking audience solely due to the excellent quality of tobacco, and anticipating modern realities, advertising campaigns. Employees of the American Tobacco Company, and then British American Tobacco, which bought it, made incredible efforts to promote the brand. The highest point of development and formation of the brand occurred in the first half of the twentieth century. There is an opinion that prospectors, digging the ground in search of gold, constantly smoked these cigarettes and called and called the hit of the pick on the stones – a lucky hit when they found a gold mine. And smoking cigarettes is directly related to this action. It ends with a pleasant outcome, joy. Gold was found!